Plasmid DNA extraction- Lab report.


Plasmid DNA extraction


·       To isolate the plasmid pCAMBIA 1304 and pGEM-T easy from Escherichia coli using either the alkaline lysis method or commercial extraction kit.

·       To spectrophotometrically quantify and estimate the purity of the extracted plasmid.


Bacterial cells often possess molecules of closed, circular DNA, otherwise known as ‘plasmids’. They can also be present at much lower frequencies in certain eukaryotic cell types, such as yeast. They are non-essential, self-replicating DNA molecules which are important for the prokaryotic mobile gene pool.

Plasmids can only exist and replicate within a cell, where it uses host cell machinery. They consist of small circular double-stranded DNA and have a huge diversity in size i.e. from 2kb-200kb.

Plasmids are vertically distributed to daughter cells after host cell division. They can also be transferred horizontally between different strains of prokaryotic cells, during a process called bacterial conjugation. Their copy number in bacterial cells varies greatly. The plasmid type determines copy number; high copy number plasmids can be more than 100 copies per cell, whereas others are limited to very few copies per cell.

Plasmids are important for bacterial evolution and adaptation to the changing environment, as they carry genes which carry beneficial traits for the bacterial cell.

Different types of plasmids can coexist in one bacterial cell. For example, strains such as Escherichia coli can have three different small plasmids in many copies, and one large single copy plasmid. Copy number depends on how actively transcribed the plasmids origin of replication is. If it is extremely active, plasmids can undergo several replication cycles during a single cell cycle.

Individual plasmids carry very few genes, but they can carry huge selective advantages in certain environments. For example, plasmids can contain antibiotic resistance genes, posing a risk to public health. Plasmids carrying resistance genes are known as R plasmids. Increased use of antibiotics globally has caused bacterial strains carrying R plasmids to multiply in size; this means resistant pathogens are becoming more common, making treatment of certain bacterial infections much more difficult. Another complication is that certain R plasmids can carry up to 10 resistance genes to different antibiotics, and these plasmids often contain genes which allow bacterial conjugation to occur.

Other naturally occurring plasmids include those carrying the sex factor (F), which allows the cell to perform bacterial conjugation, replication origins and maintenance functions.

Certain types of plasmids can insert part of their DNA into the host cell genome, by a process known as integration. These plasmids can exist in two forms, which are extra chromosomal replicons or integrated plasmids. These plasmids are known as ‘episodes’.

The mitochondria within human cells also contains a closed circular DNA molecule; this is known as mtDNA. It encodes 37 genes and 16500bp. The endosymbiont theory states that mitochondria were once an independent prokaryotic species, which formed a symbiotic relationship with a larger eukaryotic cell. mtDNA can only be inherited from the mother, and mutations in it lead to a diverse range of diseases due to varying metabolic demands in organs of the human body.(

Different extraction methods result in different yields and purity of DNA. Some of the extraction methods have been systematically evaluated for specific applications such as soil and sediment samples, human microbiome, and fecal samples.

 First one is organic extraction. In this conventional, widely used method, cells are lysed and cell debris is usually removed by centrifugation. Then, proteins are denatured/digested using a protease, and precipitated with organic solvents such as phenol, or 1:1 mixture of phenol and chloroform. The protein precipitate is removed following separation by centrifugation. Purified DNA is usually recovered by precipitation using ethanol or isopropanol. At some point in the process, RNAs are degraded through incubation with RNase. In the presence of monovalent cations such as Na+, and at -20°C, absolute ethanol efficiently precipitates polymeric nucleic acids and leaves behind short-chain and monomeric nucleic acid components, including the ribonucleotides from RNase treatment in solution. This method uses hazardous organic solvents, is relatively time-consuming, and residual phenol or chloroform may affect downstream applications such as PCR.

 Silica-based technologies are widely employed in current kits. DNA adsorbs specifically to silica membranes/beads/particles in the presence of certain salts and at a defined pH. The cellular contaminants are removed by wash steps. DNA is eluted in a low salt buffer or elution buffer. Cha tropic salts are included in the kit buffers to aid in protein denaturation and extraction of DNA. This method can be incorporated in spin columns and microchips, is cost-effective, has a simpler and faster procedure than the organic extraction, and is suitable for automation. Kits based on this method include Purelink Genomic DNA extraction kit from Thermo Fisher and DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit from QIAGEN.

 Magnetic separation is based on DNA reversibly binding to a magnetic solid surface/bead/particles that have been coated with a DNA binding antibody, or a functional group that interacts specifically with DNA. After DNA binding, beads are separated from other contaminating cellular components, washed, and the purified DNA is eluted using ethanol extraction. This method is rapid, simple to perform and can be automated. However, it can be more costly than other methodologies. Examples of commercially available kits include the Agencourt DNAdvance Kit from Beckman Coulter) and Magnetic Beads Genomic DNA Extraction Kit from Gene aid.

 DNA extraction by anion exchange chromatography is based on the specific interaction between negatively charged phosphates of the nucleic acid and positively charged surface molecules on the substrate. DNA binds specifically to the substrate in the presence of low salt, contaminants are removed by wash steps using a low or medium salt buffer, and purified DNA is eluted using a high salt buffer. This technology is most commonly employed in plasmid isolation kits such as PureLink® HiPure Plasmid DNA Purification Kits from Thermo Fisher, QIAGEN plasmid mini/midi kits and Genomic-tip, and NucleoBond® PC kits from Macherey Nagel.

Other methods of DNA extraction include salting out, cesium chloride density gradients, and chelex 100 resin. DNA isolation methods are often modified and optimized for different cell types or sample sources. For example, cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTAB) and guanidium thiocyanate (GITC) are often included in protocols for DNA extraction from plant materials, and are discussed in more detail in "DNA extraction from plant tissue and cells".

However, a very common technique in molecular biology is commonly referred to as “minipreps”, which usually use an alkaline lysis method. Minipreps are used to isolate small quantities of DNA from bacterial colonies to screen colonies for the correct DNA plasmid. Specific protocols for alkaline lysis differ from laboratory to laboratory, however they are all based on the same principal.

The first stage is to grow the selected bacterial colonies in a small volume (3-5ml) of LB broth containing the selection antibiotic. The bacteria are pelleted and resuspended in a resuspension buffer. This buffer is often a basic pH Tris buffer, which helps to denature DNA, and EDTA  that binds divalent cations destabilizing the membrane and inhibiting DNases (enzymes that degrade DNA). In addition, RNases are also added to degrade the released RNA. Next, the bacteria are lysed with strong alkali (Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)) and detergent (Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS)). The SDS detergent solubilizes the phospholipids and proteins of the cell membrane resulting in cell lysis and the release of the cells contents. The high concentration of sodium hydroxide denatures the genomic and plasmid DNA, as well as cellular proteins. The cellular DNA becomes linearized and the strands are separated, whereas the plasmid DNA is circular and remains topologically constrained (the two strands, although denatured remain together).

Finally, a neutralization buffer of potassium acetate is added to neutralize the strong alkaline conditions. The addition of potassium acetate results in a high salt concentration that leads to the formation of a white precipitate that consists of SDS, lipids and proteins. In addition, the neutralization of the solution allows the denaturation of DNA. The large chromosomal DNA is captured in the precipitate, whereas the small plasmid DNA remains in solution. The precipitate and chromosomal DNA is removed by centrifugation. Following centrifugation, the soluble plasmid DNA can be purified from the solution by various techniques. The most common is to precipitate the DNA with alcohol (ethanol or isopropanol) or high salt (ammonium acetate, lithium chloride, sodium chloride or sodium acetate). Another method is to bind the DNA to a solid support, such as glass fibers or silica. At high salt concentration and neutral or low pH, DNA molecules have a high binding affinity for these supports, allowing for the easy capture and subsequent elution of the DNA.




Fresh overnight culture of Escherichia coli

Pipette tips and micropipettes

1.5 mL micro centrifuge tubes

SET buffer

Alkaline Lysis Solution

3M NaOAc (pH 4.8)


70% Ethanol

RNase A

Refrigerated microcentrifuge

TE buffer or sterile deionized water

Refrigerated centrifuge

Vivianites GF-1 plasmid isolation kit




1.      The inoculation loop was sterilized with flame.

2.      Using inoculation loop E coli was transferred to the nutrient broth from culture media.

3.      Two centrifuge tubes were filled with 1.5mL solutions that contain Ecoli. Each tubes were contain 1.5mL solutions.

4.      Two tubes were placed inside the centrifuge and two tubes were centrifuged at top speed for one min.

5.      Tubes were removed from centrifuge after stop centrifugation

6.      Then the bacteria pellet was there inside the tube.

7.      Liquids that contain inside the tubes was removed using pipette and avoid touching pellets.

8.      250µL of resumption solution was added to the centrifuge tube.

9.      It was repeated for 2nd tube.

10.   Resumption solution was mixed with bacterial pellet.

11.   250µL of lysis solution was added to each tubes.

12.   It was mixed gently inverting the tube 6-8 times.

13.   350µL of Neutralization solution was added to each tubes.

14.   Again it was mixed inverting 6-8 times.

15.   Two tubes were kept inside the centrifuge and it was centrifuged at top speed for 5 minutes.

16.   Two tubes were removed from centrifuge.

17.   Two column were kept inside the two collection tubes.

18.   Liquid or supernatant was removed using pipette.

19.   Supernatant was transferred to the column.

20.   Column with collection tubes were centrifuged at top speed for 1 minutes.

21.   The liquids that contain inside the collection tube was removed.

22.   750µL of wash solution was added to each tubes.

23.   Column was placed inside the centrifuge and centrifugation at top speed and 1 minutes.

24.   Again solutions that inside the collection tubes was removed.

25.   Again two tubes were centrifuged until dry.

26.   Column was placed in micro centrifuge tube.

27.   50µL of elution solution was added to each tubes.

28.   It was allowed one minutes until absorb to column.

29.   Without closing tubes again it was centrifuged at top speed and one minutes.

30.   The columns were removed from micro centrifuged tubes and finally purifies DNA.

31.   It was stored in 4`c or -20`c.



Alkaline lysis is a method used in molecular biology, to isolate plasmid DNA or other cell components such as proteins by breaking the cells open. Minipreparation of plasmid DNA is a rapid, small-scale isolation of plasmid DNA from bacteria. It is based on the alkaline lysis method. The extracted plasmid DNA resulting from performing a miniprep is itself often called a "miniprep". Minipreps are used in the process of molecular cloning to analyze bacterial clones.

However, the procedure start with Ecoli bacteria with bacterial colony. There are several materials in this method. They are set buffer or sucrose EDTA and Tris-cl, rnase-A, alkaline lysis solution, neutralization solution (ice cold NaOAc), ice cold Iso propanol, 70% ice cold ethanol, genospin column.

Divalent cations (Mg2+, Ca2+) are essential for DNase activity and the integrity of the bacterial cell wall. EDTA chelates divalent cations in the solution preventing DNases from damaging the plasmid and also helps by destabilizing the cell wall. Glucose maintains the osmotic pressure so the cells don’t burst and RNase A is included to degrade cellular RNA when the cells are lysed.

The lysis buffer contains sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and the detergent Sodium Dodecyl (lauryl) Sulfate (SDS). SDS is there to solubilize the cell membrane. NaOH helps to break down the cell wall, but more importantly it disrupts the hydrogen bonding between the DNA bases, converting the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) in the cell, including the genomic DNA (gDNA) and your plasmid, to single stranded DNA (ssDNA). This process is called denaturation and is central part of the procedure, which is why it’s called alkaline lysis. SDS also denatures most of the proteins in the cells, which helps with the separation of the proteins from the plasmid later in the process.

Neutralization solution is addition of potassium acetate returns decreases the alkalinity of the mixture. Under these conditions the hydrogen bonding between the bases of the single stranded DNA can be re-established, so the ssDNA can re-nature to dsDNA. This is the selective part. While it is easy for the the small circular plasmid DNA to re-nature it is impossible to properly anneal those huge gDNA stretches. This is why it’s important to be gentle during the lysis step because vigorous mixing or vortexing will shear the gDNA producing shorter stretches that can re-anneal and contaminate your plasmid prep.

While the double-stranded plasmid can dissolve easily in solution, the single stranded genomic DNA, the SDS and the denatured cellular proteins stick together through hydrophobic interactions to form a white precipitate. The precipitate can easily be separated from the plasmid DNA solution by centrifugation.

Ice cold isopropanol is used to precipitate DNA from the solution. The salts neutralize the negative charge of the negatively charged phosphate in DNA and isopropanol or ethanol removes the hydration shell of H2o molecules around the phosphate.

Once we recover the DNA or RNA pellet from the isopropanol, wash it with cold 70% ethanol to remove excess salt and to exchange the isopropanol for ethanol. It is ok to chill the isopropanol-precipitated sample.

DNA extraction is one of the most modern of the biological sciences. Scientists and doctors use DNA extraction to diagnose many medical conditions to genetically engineer both plants and animals. DNA extraction can also be used to gather evidence in a crime investigation.

DNA extraction can be used to modify plants, by isolating DNA from organisms with desirable traits, such as resistance to pesticides, and injecting them into the genome of the plant. When the plant reaches adulthood, its seeds will inherit the modified genes. DNA extraction, can also be used to alter animals, from making them glow-in-the-dark to cloning them. A number of pharmaceutical products, including hormones and vaccines are made using DNA extraction. It is also used to verify people’s identity, both to determine genetic relatives and to investigate suspects of crimes in which genetic material was left at the scene.

DNA extraction is one of the most modern of the biological sciences. Scientists and doctors use DNA extraction to diagnose many medical conditions to genetically engineer both plants and animals. DNA extraction can also be used to gather evidence in a crime investigation.

DNA extraction can be used to modify plants, by isolating DNA from organisms with desirable traits, such as resistance to pesticides, and injecting them into the genome of the plant. When the plant reaches adulthood, its seeds will inherit the modified genes. DNA extraction, can also be used to alter animals, from making them glow-in-the-dark to cloning them. A number of pharmaceutical products, including hormones and vaccines are made using DNA extraction. It is also used to verify people’s identity, both to determine genetic relatives and to investigate suspects of crimes in which genetic material was left at the scene.

DNA extraction is integral to the process of genetic modification of plants. Many agricultural companies use genetic extraction to isolate DNA from organisms with desirable traits, which they then transplant into the plant’s genome.

This is done by taking a sample of the organism, extracting the DNA, and then cloning it to make thousands of copies of the single gene that they are interested in. The scientists then alter the gene to make it ready to work with the rest of the plant’s DNA, and then insert it into the nucleus of some plant cells. The plant cells are grown into adult plants, and their offspring seeds all have the genetic modifications.

An example is number of lines of seeds manufactured by the Monsanto Corporation that are immune to the herbicide Roundup. By making the crops (beets, for example) resistant to Roundup, that particular herbicide can be sprayed on fields to kill weeds, but not affect the beet crop.

DNA extraction is also the first step in genetic engineering of animals. Genetic engineering of animals is a very broad field that ranges from editing a single gene to transplanting genes from one animal into another. For example, a Taiwanese research lab transplanted jellyfish genes into pigs, causing them to glow in the dark. On the most complex end of the spectrum of animal genetic engineering is cloning, a process by which genetically identical animals can be made.

DNA extraction is used as the initial step in manufacturing a number of pharmaceuticals. Pharmaceuticals made via recombinant genetics include the Hepatitis B vaccine and human growth hormone (hGh). In addition to a number of other hormones created using DNA extraction, one of the most widely used is insulin

Diagnosis of certain medical conditions can often be made from DNA extracted from a patient. Conditions that can be diagnosed by genetic testing include cystic fibrosis, sickle-cell anemia, and fragile x syndrome, Huntington’s disease, hemophilia A, Down’s syndrome and Tay - Sachs disease. In addition to diagnosing existing diseases, geneticists also commonly test whether a person is a carrier of a particular genetic condition but does not have any symptoms of the disease.

A well-known use for genetic extraction is genetic fingerprinting, a process that matches genetic material from an individual with other genetic material available. One example is paternity testing, to determine someone’s biological father. Another common use for DNA extraction in identity verification is for forensic purposes. Genetic material from an individual can be compared to genetic material at a crime scene, such as blood, for example. Genetic verification has worked both to place a person at the scene of a crime and to exonerate people falsely convicted of a crime.

·       DNA extraction from banana.

1.      Banana was chopped

2.      One teaspoons of salt was added to the half cup of warm water.

            3.       Banana with salt water was blend.

            4.      It was removed to cup.

            5.      Teaspoon of detergent was added to the banana with salt solution.

            6.      It was stirred for 5 minutes.

            7.      It was transferred to the bottle.

            8.      The bottle was kept inside a sock and spin until mix well.

            9.      The mixture was poured using strainer.

          10.   Pour solution was got.

          11.   Alcohol was added to the pour solution.

          12.   Then it was displayed some collection of DNA as threads.

         13.   Using toothpick it was extracted.


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